Western CPE Live Show(s) & Webcasts

We use Zoom Webinars for our free streaming webinars. Please make sure you have registered on the product page and check your spam/junk email folder from no-reply@zoom.us

If you still have not received a link, please contact Customer Experience via chat or if you prefer email, you can email us by clicking this link.


 For compliance reasons, in order for us to provide you with CPE credit, please note the following:

Please use the same email address to sign in to Zoom that you do for your Western CPE account.

During the webinar, you will see 4 attendance polls that will ask you to click to confirm your attendance. We can only provide CPE credit to people who answer at least 3 of these prompts.

Depending on attendance, it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days to process everyone's CPE certificates.